OnBoat is a third-party charter yacht broker that does not own any boats. For most part, the calendar you see online is correct. However, there are special circumstances in which the online calendar might be out of sync with the owner or captain. If you book a boat that later becomes unavailable for mechanical or other reasons, or if the boat owner for any reason rejects your order, at your choice we will try to find you a replacement among the large number of boats we work with, or offer you a full refund.

Our goal is to make chartering a boat easy and straightforward. We operate like an online concierge service, curating only the best boats for reasonable prices. We are very selective with the boats we present, so as to offer great value to our customers, and professional captains to ensure smooth sailing.

PART I (Bookings and payments)

Does the price listed online including everything, is there any hidden fee like tax or fuel surcharge etc?
Generally yes. Unless otherwise specified, our price listed online includes boat, captain, fuel or other charges. Only tips are excluded. Only a very few of our packages exclude fuel charges due to variable or customized destinations.
What should I expect after submitting my booking and payment?
You will receive an automated email instantly that states that your order has been successfully submitted and received. A separate confirmation email will be sending to you as soon as we confirm the availability of boat and captain for your charter, usually within 24 hours. There is information regarding the picking up location and contact number of the captain as well other important information for your coming trip, please read the confirmation email carefully. If, for any reason either boat or captain proves not available, we will you a refund in full. If you like, try to find and alternative for you to re-book.
Can I cancel my trip after I submit my booking?
Please refer to our cancelation policy here: http://localhost:8888/prodtest202310/cancellation-policy/
How should I make sure the desired boat is 100% available while I submit my booking?
Please call us so we may check availability. However there is exists a minor but finite chance of cancelation due to but not limited to the following reasons: Weather conditions, Mechanical failures, emergency of captains or boat owners, or force majeure. You are welcome to call us if you have any questions or concerns regarding the bookings.
What’s the option if my booking is declined?
You will have the following options in case the boat you booked become unavailable:
  1. A full refund payment
  2. At yours and the boat owners option, reschedule to another time or day
  3. As a broker, we may be able to help you to locate a yacht of similar value. In that case, we will refund your other payment and you will ,at your option, have to re-book. If the yacht is of the greater value, you will have to pay the difference in price.
  4. Other changes we sometimes suggest as brokers to accommodate a customer may include a partial refund or an extra payment. For example, sometimes one captain is not available, and, a new one asks for more money. These are at your option, and you may in any case elect a full refund instead.
Can I change to another boat, or cancel after I submit the booking?
We will try our best to help on the arrangement in this case, but cannot guarantee. We reserve the right not to refund if you cancel less than 72 hours prior to sailing. The reason is that such cancellations inconvenience captains and boat owners, who have probably turned other business away, and who have already spent time to get the boat in ship shape for you.

PART II (What should I know about bareboat charters?)

What should I know about bareboat charters?
  • A bareboat charter is a vessel that is leased by the owner to another person (a “charterer”) for a period of time without a captain or crew;
  • A bareboat charter is a vessel that is considered a recreational vessel and may not be subject to Passenger Vessel inspections by the United States Coast Guard;
  • Once the charterer takes possession of the vessel, the charterer becomes entirely responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel and its passengers;
  • The owner of the vessel is generally not responsible for any collision, personal injuries, and wages for the crew;
  • The charterer is responsible for the vessel’s crew, fuel, insurance, any maintenance and repairs, and any liability associated with use and possession of the vessel;
  • The charterer must have the option of selecting and paying crew and may discharge the master or any crew member without referral to the owner;
  • The owner may require general levels of proficiency for the crew that is retained based on federal statutes; and
  • Charterers and passengers are solely responsible for making sure they understand and agree to the terms of any bareboat charter agreement.
  • PART III (While aboard)

    What are some recommended attire and accessories?
    Wear appropriate, good quality shoes with traction. Do not wear high heels. The sea can be much cooler than on land, so, bring along extra layers of clothing. Bring sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and hair bands against the wind. Zinc oxide gives the best protection, and many people like to put that on the nose area.
    Should I wear life jackets while aboard?
    According to coast guard regulations, kids who are younger than 12 must wear life jackets at all times while aboard to a boat. It is your choice to wear or not to wear life jackets if you are adult.
    Why should I and all people in my group sign the waiver before departure?
    Boating or sailing is usually very safe, however it is considered outdoor activity, people must be responsible for their own behaviors. It’s very common that require customers to sign the waiver to release liabilities in any boating or outdoor industry.
    May I bring food and wine?
    Yes, you can bring your own food and drinks. The only thing prohibited is red wine. Please note that red wine may cause irreparable stains on sofa and carpet.
    What do I do on a boat?
    Relax! In this day and age, it seems we all need to learn how. Just enjoy the spectacular and unexpected natural beauty. Immediately off shore, it is hard to realize you are so close to some big cities, like Los Angeles. What you will see are distant islands, soaring headlands, myriad marine life that may include dolphins, seals, all kinds of birds, maybe even a whale! Bring along some yummy snacks or a good bottle of wine, and enjoy some peace and tranquility with your friend and loved ones.
    What is the best time to sail?
    This depends where you are, and what time of day you like. If you are on the west coast of the USA, typically, winds pick up in the afternoon. Therefore, if you like smoother sailing, or are prone to sea-sickness, an early sailing is a better idea.
    Will I get sea-sick?
    We hope not, but you could. If you are worried about this, Please ask your doctor about what to do to prevent this, before you board.
    Can I fish?
    Many people ask if they can fish. A few boat owners will try to accommodate you, especially if you have your own equipment and bait. Ask us and we will try to help.
    What about Kayaking and paddle boarding?
    If you get off the boat, you absolutely agree to do so at your own risk. A boat captain is not a life guard. Kayaking or paddle-boarding should only be done in protected harbors, by experts, not the open ocean. The ocean has winds, waves, where you could get lost or not have the strength to paddle back. The west coast is not the Caribbean, and also has cold water, and sharks.
    Is anything prohibited on board a boat?
    The captain is the ultimate authority of everything on board the boat. In no case may you bring firearms, fireworks, or illegal drugs. Use your common sense and good judgement.
    What should I do in case I’m not happy with the captain and boat?
    Please call or email us to let us know. We will talk to the captain who served you and try to find out a solution for you.
    What should I do in case it’s windy and choppy waves make me feel sick?
    Please talk to captain immediately if you or someone in your party don’t feel comfortable on the ocean, captain will do some adjustment on your trip, spend more time inside harbor or marina, less time on the open water.
    Why length of trip to Catalina island varies from 8 – 10 hours?
    Our standard departure time to Catalina island from any harbor is 9:00 am, come back to harbor before sunset. Usually sunset time is 7:30 pm in the summer and 5:00 pm in the winter. We will recommend that you stay in Catalina island for one night during the winter season.